Polfracht Shipbroking and Chartering Co. Ltd is involved in wide range of shipbroking activities involving various types of tonnage and cargoes. The Company is actively engaged in all aspects of seaborne transportation, including both finding tonnage for our principals' cargo requirements, as well as cargoes for our direct shipowners. In fact, besides being involved in chartering we take care of fullfilment of contractual terms by parties involved and assist in settlements of financial matters. Our daughter company, Polfracht Shipping Agency acts as ship's agents in Polish ports and shipyards. Our services include transportation consulting and freight market research. We are in postion to evaluate transportation costs of practically any type of cargo in any sea trade worldwide. Polfracht Shipping Agency for quality of service has been recognized by ISO 9001:2008 granted to the Company in year 2004 by Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance. We are members of international organization BIMCO, Copenhagen, as well as local ones - Polish Shipbrokers' Association and Polish Chamber of Maritime Commerce.
Company is registered in District Court Gdańsk-North in Gdańsk
VIIIth Commercial Department, Company Register No. 0000069177
Nominal capital PLN 768,000.-
VAT No. 586–20–21-250